Thursday, July 3, 2014

Outrage Over Unauthorized Immigrants and Reaction to Their Arrival

At the San Diego Union-Tribune, "Letters to the editor on unauthorized immigrants from Central America, for July 2, 2014."

It's actually running about 2-1 in favor of the bleeding heart leftists and open-borders goons. But there's some folks who fully support the Murrieta patriots:
Congratulations to the protesters stopping the buses carrying illegal immigrants. You are representing the desire of Americans across the country to enforce the borders of the United States and prevent illegal immigration of anyone, young or old. We must protect our country. When the United States regains its strength, we can again help other people. In the meantime, our country comes first.

I grew up in San Diego, my family still lives there, and I heartily support the actions taken by the protesters to assert our rights as a country to maintain our borders.

Linda Conde
Roosevelt, Utah


I recall a couple of years ago during the most recent push for “comprehensive immigration reform,” Republicans refused to sign on until border security was enhanced. Then-Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano went on all the talk shows to get the message out that security along the southern border is better now than it has ever been.

Now we hear that tens of thousands of children from Central America are simply walking right across the border, and turning themselves over to the nearest Border Patrol agent. Doesn’t sound too secure to me.

And now our president and vice president are making public statements urging people in Central America not to send their children north to cross the border. I think we have a responsibility to secure the border before we ask people not to simply walk across it. If we’re making it that easy to break into our country, then whose fault is that?

I don’t blame the immigrants. I blame our own government, which is too corrupt and incompetent to do anything right. Who cares how many Border Patrol agents they hired? That doesn’t mean anything to me. If there was a big enough wall along every inch of that border, you wouldn’t need so many agents to chase people all over the desert on foot. Brett

Alan Pankauski 
Spring Valley


The recent invasion at our southern border is the biggest threat to our way of life and it should concern all Americans. Imagine what would happen if the current administration allowed anyone who is persecuted (in any sense of the word) in their own country, to cross the border illegally or legally and take up residency here in the U.S. How long do you think it would be before word spread to other Third World countries. How many would flock to our borders seeking the good life? Three million? Twenty Million? One billion? When does it stop? The time is now. Twelve million and counting…

Barry Basso 