Thursday, July 10, 2014

Report: Sheriff's Department to Arrest #Murrieta Patriots Blocking Diseased Illegal Alien Buses

It's Joe Biggs reporting for InforWars. These guys were out there on Monday as well. Alex Jones makes "blockbuster" references at the news, but Biggs doesn't cite sources, saying only that he'd read about it "last night."

So, this is unsourced information. I don't see any corroborating information after a quick Google search, but knowing that Murrieta Mayor Alan Long threw peaceful patriots under the bus previously, blaming the louder voices on out-of-town elements, I won't surprised by a police crack down. The on-the-ground police presence was massive on Monday. The latest news is that Murrieta won't be getting additional busloads of diseased migrants for the remainder of the week, but protesters are said to be planning a large turnout again today. I'll have more, including original reporting, throughout the day.