Friday, August 15, 2014

Stalking Hate-Troll Walter James Casper III Spewing Hate and Disinformation on #Ferguson Shooting

Stalking troll Reppy was tweeting out the racist hate-tweets from Jamelle Bouie earlier today. And Twitchy was all over Bouie's depravity, "‘Brown deserved execution’? Slate journo thinks he’s got ‘right-wing Twitter’ pegged."

And now the depraved hate-troll is spewing disinformation on the convenience store robbery:

I'll update should racist Repsac issue a correction. It's the decent thing to to do, but then, Reppy's not decent.

UPDATE: Hate-troll Reppy has issued a new tweet reluctantly correcting his hateful disinformation, although he has not disavowed the widely repudiated Jamelle Bouie and his demonization of "right-wing Twitter." That's just like the despicable stalker Repsac. A terrible person. A hate-mongering anti-conservative bigot.