Monday, April 13, 2015

Regressive Democrats Try to Push Hillary Clinton Left

Following up from earlier, "Radical Leftists Urge Hillary to Go 'Bold' (VIDEO)."

At the Wall Street Journal, "Some Democrats think Hillary Clinton isn’t liberal enough, posing a challenge to her as she prepares for a presidential campaign":
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton was once seen as a liberal voice pulling her husband and party to the left. Today, on the brink of her announcement that she is running for president, some Democrats think she isn’t liberal enough.

What troubles them are her ties to Wall Street and Bill Clinton’s centrist economic record. They don’t like that she appears more comfortable with bipartisan compromise than populist calls to fight banks and other business interests, and wonder if she stands with them on other issues.

“There’s a general uncertainty of where she stands on key economic issues,” said Roger Hickey, co-chairman of the liberal advocacy group Campaign for America’s Future. “A lot of people would prefer to have someone who is a real populist crusader, who is clear about what she would do.”