Saturday, July 4, 2015

Why It's Still Important for Your Family to Watch Fireworks

Strip away all the non-stop far-left propaganda and hate-based persecution campaigns and Americans still have abundant freedoms to revere. Indeed, it's so good sometimes we take our liberties for granted. All the more reason to clue your kids in on all that's great today, and to educate them about the current leftist campaigns to strip liberties and make America a terrible place to live. They hate this country.

From Maggie Hamilton, at Pajamas:
Anyone who bleeds red, white, and blue knows that unless we teach the next generation of freedom lovers their roots, and what was and is continually sacrificed for their freedoms, it will turn into a holiday that’s good for cookouts but nothing else.

So, buy those flags and wave them high and let your kiddos wave them proudly. Throw a couple sparklers in for good measure. Yeah, they’re hot and dangerous if not supervised — so join in the fun. Show your kids the importance of celebrating their nation’s birthday. Make it personal for them, and don’t be afraid to let them know about some super-cool, ancient guys and gals who persevered for their cause — even though society deemed them wrong — and in the process founded a new world where we are free to create life, enjoy liberty, and pursue happiness. Take time to tell them why we have huge displays in the skies and hot dogs to eat, and why you may get teary at the sound of our National Anthem. Maybe it will spark a conversation; they may even find a new hero. At the very least, they will beg to go see the fireworks in person.
Via Ed Driscoll, at Instapundit.